Preparing to welcome you on Monday 8th March
Hi All
We are so looking forward to seeing you on Monday.
We will open the gates at 8.30 am for you to filter in using social distancing, up to 8.50. You will then make your way around to your usual class drop off/pick up points with one change. Flamingo class (bubble 6) will be in the cubs class, which is next to their own class and round by the annex building to the left. They are having a new floor fitted in their normal room. So please drop off and pick up by the door outside this new class. A sign for bubble 6 will be on the door.
Tiger class (bubble 7) will continue to drop off/pick up at the entrance at the top of the trim trail playground. Bees and Penguins will be in their usual annex classrooms that have their own outside doors. I will be at the reception door to receive Giraffe class (bubble 9) and Zebra class (bubble 8). Giraffes will hang up first for the whole week. This will continue to be their drop off /pick up point.
Foundation classes will also return to the routines and classes (bubbles) put in place before lockdown. Any questions please message your usual class teachers.
We are hoping that the pick up will be staggered too. We will be opening the gate from 2.50pm and hope that all children will be away from school by 3.05pm.
You can ring the office if you need a place for our breakfast club that starts at 7.45 until 8.30 and provides a variety of breakfasts for £3.50 a session.
The dinner menu and routines will continue as before the lockdown.
Important - If children have been given their school learning journey or reading books, please make sure these are returned as they will need them in school.
Don't forget to bring your own water bottles and PE Kits.
We have been clearing out our library and have some lovely books to give away. Make sure your children are aware of this and can choose a book or two at the end of the day to take home to keep.
Sorry this is a big message and don't hesitate to get in touch if you need to.
Here's another huge well done and thank you from all of us at Brinsworth Manor Infants. Have a fabulous weekend everyone : )