Information and Communication Technology plays a vital part in the education of young children. Technologies are developing at a rapid pace and children are eager and enthusiastic about developing their expertise with a wide range of equipment. We recognise and value the importance of teaching our children new skills which they can build upon in the future, and pride ourselves on our innovative approach to using new technologies within the classroom. We follow the programmes of study for Computing in National Curriculum. Children are taught about safe internet use throughout the year, in line with the Relationships and Health Education curriculum.
Found out more about how we support keeping children safe on our E-Safety information page.
Each classroom is equipped with at least 1 PC in FS and 3 in KS1. The children use these computers in order to create pictures, text, videos and store information. They also learn about algorithms and use them within simple programs. We also have an Interactive Touchscreen in every classroom, which further develops the children's computer expertise and supports teaching and learning.
We currently have a whole class set of iPads that are used in all curriculum areas creatively within the classrooms.
Our whole school subscription to Purple Mash provides a wide range of age-appropriate, creative software tools for writing, drawing, coding, animating, blogging and much more. In addition to these programs, the platform provides resources and themed lesson activities, which can be set for pupils to do at home.