Once your child can blend sounds to read words they can begin reading short stories called ditties and after this the Read Write Inc reading books.
As your child learns new sounds and begins to build fluency by reading more words on sight they will bring a book home which is closely matched to their phonic knowledge. Your child will practise reading their book in their Read Write Inc (RWI) daily reading lessons at school. Their RWI teacher will practise building reading fluency and expression so that your child feels confident and proud to be able to read their book to you at home. Please praise them for this and support them with speaking like the characters and pausing when they see full stops, speech marks etc. Sometimes it may seem like the book is too easy for them but instead it is closely matched and practised so that your child can feel confident and celebrate their reading achievements. ⭐🎉
Your child may also bring back an additional book bag book which is also closely matched to their phonics knowledge. Your child will probably not have read this one at school so they may need to re-read this several times at home to build the same fluency. At the front of the book there are new story words and red words (tricky words that need to be said on sight) to practise before reading the book. There are also questions at the end of the story to ask your child to check their understanding. Please encourage your child not to guess and instead to find the answer by looking back to the correct page in the story. This is helping to teach early comprehension skills.
Please click on the links below for additional support and information.