
Brinsworth Manor Infant School

Curriculum Statement

At Brinsworth Manor Infant School, we value each child as an individual with a unique potential for learning. Our aim is to encourage and facilitate each child to contribute positively to their current and future world as a respectful and confident citizen. We support the spiritual, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical qualities of all children promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We believe that our creative, considerate curriculum with its global goals foundation will be effective in creating knowledge, skills, understanding and empathy within all of our students. All learning is linked to interesting texts and themes to engage children and make learning relevant.

We believe it is our responsibility to develop children’s basic literacy and numeracy skills so that they can engage with and access the wider curriculum. Using the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum as a basis, age-appropriate progression in knowledge for each core and foundation subject has been identified. This has been mapped out to ensure coverage of identified knowledge is secured across EYFS and KS1. We carefully select the sequence of when, what and how knowledge is taught and subject leaders work actively to review this aspect regularly.

Each theme contains an immersion event/trip, designed to engage the children and mark the beginning of their learning journey or consolidate it and concludes with a celebration of learning. Our school’s aims, values and learning qualities are embedded throughout the curriculum and all we teach. We feel having the vocabulary to discuss learning, values and beliefs is vital in the development of open-minded problem solvers.

The curriculum is supported by qualified, enthusiastic, innovative staff with strong subject knowledge. In addition, we have teachers with the global teaching award.

Our school continues to promote good mental health and well-being as well as programs like the Modeshift Stars: Sustainable and Active Travel and Healthy schools. It is a fully inclusive curriculum see our accessibility plan on the Policies page.

Thank you


Basic Values:

We are...









Basic Learning Qualities:



Reasoning and Evaluation





To ensure curriculum quality we have addressed the following:


  • Developing sequential learning where pupils make progress through knowledge and skills from solid foundations
  • Focusing on subject disciplines which are taught through themes with each session using 3 elements, Intent (objective), Implementation (method/activity) and Impact (outcome).
  • Making the curriculum link individual subjects together (cross-curricular). This golden thread helps our pupils to remember more
  • Providing breadth and balance
  • Having a clear purpose for learning, assessment and next steps.
  • A mastery approach - overlearning, transferring learning and deepening learning
  • Listening to children's voice and interests.
  • Reviewing and evaluating curriculum design on a regular basis. Our curriculum is forever evolving
  • Ensuring clear curriculum leadership and ownership with CPD playing a huge part.
  • Using Themes with a main text and lots of other complimentary texts and a global goal to increase knowledge, understanding, awareness, vocabulary, links and empathy
  • Using enquiry questions to provoke curiosity and deeper thinking
  • Ensuring that children are leading learning where possible and have time to practise and develop learning both independently and in collaboration with others.
  • Encouraging a positive, committed and resilient approach where children are not afraid to have a go, challenge themselves, make mistakes and self and peer assess.

