Personal, Social and Health Education / Relationships Education in Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1)
In KS1 we teach a stand alone PSHE lesson every week. Our topics in Spring Term are:
Spring 1
Year 1 - ‘Healthy eating and hygiene’
Year 2 - ‘Healthy lifestyles’
Spring 2
Year 1 - ‘Physical health and well-being’
Year 2 - ‘Growing and changing’
So, what will we learn this term in Year 1?
In spring 1 we will see how much the children know about healthy eating and build on this knowledge by discussing healthy and unhealthy food and the importance of balance. We will speak about our own diets and traditional foods people have with their families. We will look at different drinks and their sugar content with the intent of rethinking our drink options to reduce sugar intake. Once the children have built their knowledge of a healthy diet they will design a healthy lunchbox. We will then move onto the importance of personal hygiene which is particularly important with the presence of coronavirus. We will practice washing our hands thoroughly and children will have some hand sanitiser to take home. We will end the half term by learning about oral hygiene and the children will have a Colgate ,it to take home.
In spring 2 the children will learn about the effects of exercise. They will take part in physical activity and observe the changes in their bodies e.g. heart rate, temperature and thirst. We will then learn about the importance of exercise for our physical and mental health. This will link to screen time and how this should be reduced for our well-being. We will discuss how exercise makes us feel in comparison to excessive screen time. The children will then more about the importance of regular exercise and devise their own workout plan. The children will then learn about how much sleep they should have and how to ensure we have a good quality sleep routine. The children will make dream catchers to take home. We will end the half term by discussing different emotions and how to deal with them. We will listen to lots of different genres of music and think about how they make us feel.
So, what will we learn this term in Year 2?
In spring 1 we will learn about how healthy people look e.g clean hair, white teeth and clean skin. The children will look at photos of different people and decide whether they think they are healthy or not. If not then they will talk about why. We will then see how much the children know about healthy eating and build on this knowledge by discussing healthy and unhealthy food and the importance of balance. The children will talk about the importance of exercise and the exercise that they enjoy. We will then move onto the importance of good quality sleep. The children will complete a sleep diary and will discuss ways we can improve our sleep through positive routines. The children will end the half term by learning about overall hygiene and things we need to do to keep clean such as wash our body, hair, brush our teeth and washing hands.
In spring 2 the children will look at photographs of when they were babies and discuss how they have changed physically and in their behaviour since then. The children will then discuss what and who helps them to grow. We will think about what we can do now that we are older and observe how we have become more independent. We will end the half term by discussion emotions in different scenarios and how we can deal with them.
In KS1 we teach a stand alone PSHE lesson every week. Our topics in Summer Term are:
Year 1 - ‘Growing and changing’ and ‘Keeping myself safe’
Year 2 - ‘Keeping myself safe’
Year 1 - ‘The world of drugs’
Year 2 - ‘The world of drugs’
So, what will we learn this term in Year 1?
In Summer 1 we will begin to look at how we change as we grow. Children will look at photos of themselves as babies and observe e the differences in their appearance as well as discussing the different ways in how we act as we grow. Children will then begin to learn the importance of keeping safe. We will discuss the physical feeling of feeling unsafe and the people that keep us safe. We will learn about when it is / isn’t okay to keep a secret e.g. it is okay to keep a birthday surprise secret but if there is something that you don’t like or something that makes you feel unsafe you should share the secret with somebody you trust. We will learn how to stay safe on holiday including the importance of hydration and skin protection. We will end the half term with discussion about what is real and pretend including people and places. This will link to e-safety and who to trust online.
In Summer 2 the children will learn about things that are and are not okay to put ONTO our bodies for example, things like clothes, shampoo, moisturiser, sun cream are okay and things like some cleaning products and chemicals cannot. We will also talk about what can/cannot go INTO our bodies for example medicine (when appropriate) , food and drinks can and some foods can’t (allergies etc.), cigarettes and products that shouldn’t be ingested such as cleaning products. Children will learn the importance of saying ‘no’ in scenarios where people may persuade them to do something that is wrong or harmful.
So, what will we learn this term in Year 2?
In Summer 1 we will explore ways in dealing with challenging situations that children may come across as they get older. We will discuss what we should do if we are lost, how we can stay safe in our homes e.g. around equipment that could be dangerous such as knives, irons, ovens etc. We will also discuss how to stay safe outdoor including staying safe near roads, water and strangers. Children will challenge their own behaviours and think about what is wrong/ right and learn how to make good choices. This will include making good choices online. The half term will end with learning about how accidents can happen and who we can contact for help.
In Summer 2 the children will learn the importance of medicines and how they can be used to keep people alive / healthy. They will then learn about where medicine comes from and the roles of doctors and nurses. The children will learn about what goes into the body and the different ways that they go into their bodies e.g. swallow, injected, sniffed/ breathed in or rubbed in. We will discuss things that are safe to our bodies such as food, drink and medicine and things that are unsafe such as cigarettes, alcohol, splinters and pollution. The children will then have stand alone lessons on cigarettes and alcohol. We will see how much children know about these and build on their knowledge through discussion such as why people smoke / drink, how it is harmful and the different effects. They will end the half term with how to deal with peer pressure and building the confidence to say ‘no’ when appropriate.
In KS1 we teach a stand alone PSHE lesson every week. Our topics in Autumn Term are:
Autumn 1
Year 1 - ‘The caring school and feelings, friends and friendships’
Year 2 - ‘The caring school and feelings, friends and friendships’
Autumn 2
Year 1 - ‘Special people and anti bullying’
Year 2 - ‘The caring school and feelings, friends and friendships’
So, what will we learn this term in Year 1?
In Autumn 1 we will start the year talking about acceptable behaviour and deciding class rules together. We will then talk about friendships and how some friendships don’t last but we can always make new friends. We will then think about who our friends are and what we like about them. We will think about things that we can do to be good friends to others. We will end the half term by observing similarities and differences between ourselves and our peers.
In Autumn 2 we will read stories about different types of families. We will then discuss our own families and notice how they are all different. The children will think about the people that are special to them and observe those people and why they are so special to us. It will also be anti bullying week this week to the children will learn about what bullying is and what we can do to prevent it and what to do if we see it. We will take part in ‘Odd Sock Day’ to raise money and awareness for the Anti-Bullying charity. We will then recap our special people and think about what we like to do with them. We will end the half term by thinking about special people that help us.
So, what will we learn this term in Year 2?
In Autumn 1 we will start the year talking about acceptable behaviour and deciding class rules together. The children will move on to talk about who are in their families and why they are so important. We will then talk about friendships and how some friendships don’t last but we can always make new friends. We will then think about who our friends are and what we like about them. We will think about things that we can do to be good friends to others. The children will be observing similarities and differences between ourselves and our peers. We will end the half term by discussing what to do if they fall out with a friend.
In Autumn 2 the children will think about making their own choices and they will think about whether other people ever influence their decisions. Linked to our enquiry question, we will observe the childrens comments about whether boys and girls can do the same things. It will also be anti bullying week this week to the children will learn about what bullying is and what we can do to prevent it and what to do if we see it. We will take part in ‘Odd Sock Day’ to raise money and awareness for the Anti-Bullying charity. We will talk about how it feels to be lonely and how to help others that we think may be lonely. We will end the half term by discussing how it feels to be different.