
Brinsworth Manor Infant School

Year 2

                                             Attacking and defending:

                                   Tag rugby

Tag rugby is a minimal contact team game in which each player wears a tag belt with two tags attached to them. The mode of play is similar to rugby league or touch rugby with attacking players attempting to dodge, evade and pass a rugby ball while defenders attempt to prevent them scoring a tri, by ''tagging'' pulling a tag from the ball carrier. Tris are worth one point each and is done by taking the ball down the field and placing the ball down over the tri line. Its fantastic for fitness due to its fast pace. Children worked to understand the parts of rugby ball and which part we use to hold it with. This then moved on to a development of hand-eye coordination with different passing techniques;      (U pass, pop pass and ground pass) and when to use them within the games. Children mastered basic movement skills including running, personal agility (to enable more controlled turning at speed) as well as  throwing and catching. Children learn the rules of the game, and how to score a tri as well as how to make a successful tackle before applying all these skills into competitive team games within class as well as against other classes which allowed the development of simple tactics for attacking and defending.




Children in year 2 will  perform and remember dances using simple movement patterns, individually and with others. A wider knowledge of counts: 2,4,6,8 will be used within routines and the understanding of how and why we use them. Unison will be developed when dancing with others in both small groups and whole class routines. High, medium and low levels will also be implemented and used. Children will begin to understand the meaning of formations and use them when creating their own routines. During this 5 weeks block children will complete in:

Disney character dance individually

Disney character dance in small groups (unison)

8 step dance routine in small groups and finally have ago and practicing and remembering a much larger routine that takes two weeks to complete called the;

waka waka dance.
