
Brinsworth Manor Infant School

Remote Learning

Remote Learning

We provide remote learning via google classroom. All children have google accounts and are taught in school how to use google classroom, google documents, google slides and google sheets. As well as how to access remote learning using google meet.

Should school have to switch to remote learning school will communicate with parents/carers. There is an expectation that all children will access remote learning daily, just as they would attend school.

Provision is made for vulnerable children and key workers to attend school. FSM vouchers are sent to those children eligible for a benefit based free school meal.

Should children not have the necessary equipment to access remote learning, we do have a number of laptops available to loan, please contact school to discuss further.

Remote Learning Policy – March 2020


Code Of Conduct For Pupils For Online Sessions

This code of conduct outlines what we expect of pupils during online sessions.

Much of this echoes our expectations of pupils in lessons when in school and all of it is designed to help pupils gain the most benefit from online learning.

School rules will always apply: Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Kind. Teachers will be the school behaviour policy during remote learning sessions.

  1. I will attend every remote learning session just as I would come to school
  2. During live online sessions my parent/carer will be in the vicinity, either in the room or a nearby room, with the door open. 
  3. I will be suitably fully dressed.
  4. I will listen at all times
  5. I will communicate in a courteous way at all times to both teachers and fellow pupils.

(Remember what we always say about social media, when you type something, ‘it’s always there and you can’t take it back’. So be careful of what you say and write)
