In FS2, we love birthdays! We enjoy celebrating with our friends, singing Happy Birthday, and exploring our special birthday box. With this in mind, we would like to start a new birthday tradition, and introduce an initiative known as “Birthday Books”. We know that many parents and carers generously send class treats into school when it’s their child’s birthday. However, instead of sweets or chocolates, we kindly ask that you support our new initiative to donate a lasting treat…a new book for our class reading areas! By donating a book on your child’s birthday, the children will benefit throughout the whole year, and the gift will be treasured and shared for many years to come!
Any book donated for a child’s birthday will have their book read to the class at story time on their birthday and the book will be stamped with a special birthday book sticker to remind everyone when the book was donated and for who’s birthday. All birthday books will be stored in a special basket in our reading areas for the children to explore and go back to as and when they please. We hope this initiative will encourage our children to share and talk about stories with their peers and enable all children to enjoy reading for pleasure.
What book will you donate for your birthday? It doesn’t have to be a brand-new book. It could simply be a pre-loved book from your own collection that you wish to donate; a book from a charity shop; or you may wish to purchase a new book to donate. It is entirely up to you.
Thank you for your support
Happy Reading!
The Foundation Team 😊