Autumn Term 1 - 2023
This half term the pupils in Key stage 1 have been learning all about the artist Paul Klee. The children have looked at many pieces of Klee's artwork and discussed the different lines, shapes and colours that he uses in them.
We had 3 pieces of sticky knowledge that we wanted the children to learn and recall at the end of the half term.
Our sticky knowledge questions were-
Who is Paul Klee? An artist who specialised in expression, cubism and surrealism.
What techniques did he use? He experimented with shapes and colours, using dark and light tones to create a harmony of colours.
What is one of Paul Klee's famous quotes? A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.
The children started by creating lots of different lines in their sketch books - for example, wavy, zig zag, dotted, long, short etc. They then went on to look at primary and secondary colours. They created their own colour wheels by mixing the colours together. This skill was then developed further by creating different tones using white and black with powder paints or with different amounts of water with watercolours.
The children then traced an outline of a dragons head which links to our theme of Zog, and then added their own lines to their pictures. When it came to painting their pictures the children could apply their skill of using tone. Finally the children cut up their dragon picture and put it back together to create an abstract effect. The final pieces look fantastic and very effective.
Dragon art in the style of Paul Klee.