
Brinsworth Manor Infant School



At Brinsworth Manor Infants, our Whole-School Maths vision is that:

  • everyone can do maths
  • mistakes help us learn
  • we value all student contributions; right or wrong
  • the process is the most important element
  • we should have a range of mathematical strategies to use appropriately and employ
  • knowing some number facts is crucial
  • we should frequently make connections between maths topics
  • we should relate maths to real life situations


Go down deep enough into anything

and you will find mathematics.

- Dean Schlicter




Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.
— William Paul Thurston, American mathematician


To see maths in action in our school, click the link below!

 Our aim, through our maths teaching, is to create confident, creative mathematicians who can solve problems and calculations and explain their reasoning.  


We want children to have instant recall of a range of number facts, as well as the ability to solve problems using the most efficient strategy, either mental or written. 


Our maths lessons are the ideal opportunity to develop our learning skills of resilience, communication, reasoning, collaboration, reflection and challenge.  Maths is not simply about right or wrong answers.  We teach children to make links between concepts and operations, as well as to identify and use relationships and patterns.  Our emphasis is on “don’t count, calculate!” and there is a heavy focus on collaboration to discuss strategies and explore, justify or clarify answers. 



We have a Calculation Policy which informs how we teach different strategies within Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. 


We teach through the CPA approach (concrete-pictorial - abstract) in order to support a deeper understanding of maths.  Children initially access practical resources (concrete) and then represent these through pictures as their understanding develops.  The use of abstract ideas (i.e. the number 4 instead of 4 apples, the use of a £ sign instead of having actual pound coins etc) is developed in every area of maths taught.   


Children are taught various strategies and often choose the one(s) that they are most confident with.  We develop reasoning and problem solving skills further by evaluating our choices of strategies and their efficiency.   


Maths Policy

Calculation Policy

Progression of learning




White Rose Maths

We use White Rose Maths to support us in breaking down the National Curriculum into smaller steps of learning.   

Please download the White Rose 1-Minute Maths app using the link below.  This app offers:  

-Excellent practice, and no distractions!
-A clear, intuitive process that children pick up straight away.
-No login or internet access is required.
-Enjoyable and motivating – how many can you answer correctly in one minute?
-Contains helpful hints which match those used in class.
-Brilliant for building number fluency and confidence.

Number Sense

We have recently started to use Number Sense to teach number facts and this is proving a fantastic addition to our teaching and learning.  Children are engaging in lots of maths talk, subitising (knowing how many without counting) and spotting relationships between numbers.  


Calculating and problem solving becomes much easier when children have a good grasp of simple number facts, such as the bonds to 10.  

We have subscriptions to games that will support learning and understanding Number.  Please see the following information.

For more ideas on how to support your child in maths, please check our Home Learning section.
