School Uniform
At Brinsworth Manor Infant School we are proud of our school and encourage all pupils to share this identity, as part of this, we prefer all children to wear school uniform.
Main School Uniform
You can order/pick up school uniform containing the Logo from Pinders in Rotherham who have a selection of uniform which you can purchase. THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT TO WEAR UNIFORM WITH OUR LOGO. ALL UNIFORM CAN BE PURCHASED FROM A NUMBER OF HIGH STREET AND SUPERMARKET CHAINS.
School uniform consists of a red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, grey or black trousers/skirt/shorts or pinafore dresses and a white blouse/shirt/t-shirt. Gingham summer dresses are also worn in the warmer months. Shoes need to be black and suitable for playing outside, with no high heels.
Secondhand uniform is regularly available.
Every half term parents are invited to view items of good quality donated uniform that are available. These will be in various sizes and you may choose any items that will be useful for your families.
PE Uniform
Indoor Kit - This consists of black shorts, a white t-shirt and trainers/black pumps. Please leave a set in school.
Outdoor Kit - Black joggers/leggings/shorts, black jumper/hooded top or a school jumper, trainers/pumps.
Children will access outdoor PE as often as possible. Please ensure that their outdoor kit is suitable for the weather.