A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. At Brinsworth Manor Infants school our aim is to stimulate the children’s interest and to develop curiosity when learning about the life of people who lived in the past. We teach children a sense of chronology and an understanding of the language associated with time.
Through the planning and delivery of exciting lessons children will enjoy learning about a range of historical periods, events and significant people. Children are encouraged to develop their skills as young historians by exploring sources and considering what we can learn from them.
We teach children to consider and understand how the events and lives of people in the past can influence our lives today.
Children are also encouraged to think about the society they live in and learn about local heritage.
History Spring 2024
This half term in history we are learning about The Great Fire of London.
We have 3 sticky sentences that we would like the children to learn and recall at the end of this half term.
Our sticky sentences are-
The Great Fire of London started in a bakery in 1666
It had been a very warm summer, the houses were made from wood and they were too close together.
The streets were made wider and the houses were no longer made from wood.
We will use sources to learn about this significant event and find out why Samuel Pepys is a significant person.
History Autumn 2 2023
This half term in history we are learning about 2 significant people. We will begin by learning about Florence Nightingale and then Mary Seacole.
We have 3 sticky sentences that we would like the children to learn and recall at the end of this half term.
Our sticky sentences are-
The hospitals for the soldiers were unhygienic.
Florence improved the conditions in hospital.
Florence started up the first nurses training school.
We will use sources to learn about the conditions in the hospital before Florence arrived. We will discuss how Florence improved the hospitals and the conditions for the soldiers.
We will also learn about Mary Seacole and discuss why we remember her.
History Autumn 1 2023
This half term in history we are linking our learning to our text this half term – Zog. During this learning we will introduce some new vocabulary which will be part of our sticky sentences.
Sticky sentences
We have 3 sentences that we would like the children to learn and recall at the end of this half term.
Chronological means the order that things happen.
Within living memory is a time that can be remembered by people who are still alive.
A historian is a person that studies the past.
To begin our history learning we will talk about Zog’s school life and use this to order the events. We will also think about our own school life and things we could do in each year group and before we started school. We will also discuss family history, introducing within living memory and think about what we would like to be in the future.
History Summer 2 2023
This half term in history we are learning about Clifton Park as part of a small local history study. We will compare what Clifton Park and Museum looked like in the past and now. Sticky sentences
We have 3 sentences that we would like the children to learn and recall at the end of this half term.
Victorian parks have many familiar features.
In the past Clifton House and grounds were the home to Joshua and Susannah Walker.
Clifton House is now a museum and the grounds are a park for all to enjoy.
We will also look at how the Park and museum has changed and discuss some of the reasons people visited the park in the past compared to now.
History Spring 2 2023
This half term in history we are linking our learning about the famous explorer Columbus. We are linking our lovely story of Snail and the Whale with this famous explorer as well as learning about the continents and oceans.
Sticky sentences
We have 3 sentences that we would like the children to learn and recall at the end of this half term.
Columbus was an explorer and a navigator.
He made 4 voyages across the Atlantic ocean.
Some people think Columbus was a hero and others do not.
To begin our history learning we will talk about why people remember Columbus and how he became famous. We will introduce many new facts and find out about his life. We will think about why he wanted to explore and his motivation for the journeys he made. Finally we will discuss why some people believe he is a hero and others do not.
Cycle 2 autumn
In history the children started to learn about 2 significant people that changed the way the world communicates. The topic started by introducing William Caxton. The children found out that Caxton was famous for bringing the printing press to London. We made links in literacy and the children loved learning about how books were invented. Our second significant person and inventor we found out about was Alexander Bell. The children learnt all about Bell’s life and the invention of the telephone. The children enjoyed looking at pictures of telephones in the past and now.