Fundamental Ball skills:
Linking back to the national curriculum the children have become increasingly confident within their fundamental movement skills when throwing and catching a bean bag and ball. This has been done progressively using the under-arm, over-arm, bounce, chest and shoulder pass, all while using the correct techniques throughout. Children have then progressed these abilities in regards to hand-eye coordination, by aiming towards specific targets using different shapes and sized balls. Above skills was then put into fun games adding an element of competition, focusing on how we act when winning and the acceptance of loosing. These skills can be later used and recapped within competitive game like situations in a variety of sports.
Attacking & defending: Mattball:
Mattball is a simple invasion game that is suitable for KS1. It creates a fun, competitive environment that encourages children to push themselves to succeed. It can be used to introduce and reinforce concepts and skills such as creating space, attacking and defending and passing.