Religious Education in Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1)
In KS1 we teach a stand-alone RE lesson every week. Our topics in SUMMER Term are:
YEAR 1 Topics
SUMMER 1 2024
‘What stories about Moses do Jewish and Christian people love to remember?’
SUMMER 2 2024
‘The power to make a difference. What can we learn from Stories and prayers of Jesus?’
YEAR 2 Topics
SUMMER 1 2024
‘Being Fair: What can we learn from religious stories?
SUMMER 2 2024
‘Leaders: who needs them? Jewish and Christian examples. Why are some people leaders? What do leaders do?'
So, what will we learn this term in YEAR 1?
In Summer 1 we will learn about Judaism through exploring the main question, what stories about Moses do Jews love to tell? From the baby in the bulrushes, the burning bush, the Passover / Pesach and Exodus and the Ten Commandments, we will learn to explore Jewish ideas, story and celebrations through active learning. We will develop our understanding of what makes a good leader, using the life of Moses as an example.
In Summer 2 we will examine some stories of Jesus and how Christians believe he was the perfect expression of God; ‘The Christ’; Son of God; Saviour. The focus is on God as a source of power as revealed through the stories, actions and teachings of Jesus in Christian belief and Scripture. We will learn about the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and its place in Christian prayer today. We will explore the use of prayer in empowering Christians and to consider how we can be empowered to bring about change in our own lives.
What will we learn this term in YEAR 2?
In Summer 1 we will learn about who we care for and how we show this; to learn about examples of caring shown in different religions. We will learn some reasons why everyone needs to care for each other if people are to be happy together and will enquire into what it means to care for ourselves, for each other and for the Earth. We will be able to think for ourselves about questions to do with how we show we care for others and what else we could do.
Using stories and songs, we will learn from different religions and make simple links to our own experiences, beliefs, values and behaviour.
In Summer 2 we will explore, question and respond to the stories, teachings and experience of contemporary inspirational people, religious leaders, texts, music and the influence of these on the individual. We will develop our understanding of what makes a good leader, the lives of inspirational leaders, both religious and non-religious and other aspects which may influence and/or motivate us as an individual.
Our topics in Spring Term are:
YEAR 1 Topics
SPRING 1 2024
‘What festivals do Jewish people celebrate?’
SPRING 2 2024
‘Finding out about churches and synagogues’ followed by learning about Easter
YEAR 2 Topics
SPRING 1 2024
‘I wonder...Puzzling questions about God’
SPRING 2 2024
‘Symbols of Easter. What does Easter mean to Christians?'
So, what will we learn this term in YEAR 1?
In Spring 1 we will begin to understand a little more about the Jewish way of life through play, story, artefacts and listening. We will learn about the beliefs of Jewish people and compare them to our own and will also learn all about Shabbat and celebrations, thinking about how we like to celebrate too! In learning from Judaism, we will think about what is important to us and what can be learned from the Jewish way of life by referring simply to our own experiences, beliefs and values.
In Spring 2 we will think about the uses and designs of holy buildings. We will have fun exploring, questioning and responding to learning about sacred buildings: learning new key vocabulary and ideas.
We will also be visiting our local Church for an Easter visit!
What will we learn this term in YEAR 2?
In Spring 1 we will explore ‘big questions’ that children might want to ask, including some religious or spiritual questions. We will learn that big questions have no certain and agreed answers, but they are interesting and important. We will share our own beliefs, ideas and values in simple way and enjoy thinking about ‘mystery’ or puzzling questions.
In Spring 2 we will find out about some symbols of the Christian festival of Easter – flowers and growth, bread and wine, different kinds of crosses, colour-symbols and hot cross buns, eggs. We will explore Bible stories of Jesus’ last week and death and the celebration of Easter today. We will be enabled to relate these stories and celebrations simply to Christian ideas about the relationship between God and humankind and to relationships and celebrations in our own lives. Children will be able to think about some big ideas and questions!