
Brinsworth Manor Infant School

Nursery Ladybirds

Our Weekly Learning

This week our story is We’re going on a bear hunt. Click the link to enjoy the story at home! We made our story maps from the book and have been learning about describing routes. We even went on a bear hunt at forest school, through the long wavy grass, past the deep cold river, through our big dark forest! Into our narrow gloomy cave. Thank goodness, we didn’t see any bears! The bears needed help getting dressed at the puzzle table. We also made clothes for the bear at the creative table. In maths we have been sorting, counting and continuing to learn about shapes and their properties. We are becoming marvellous mathematicians!

We're Going On a Bear Hunt For a quarter of a century, readers have been swishy-swashying and splash-sploshing through the award-winning favourite picture book We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury In this video, Michael Rosen performs the book - why not sing along with your copy at home!

This week in school it was forest school week! We enjoyed lots of activities at forest school, including hunting for ladybirds, climbing the spikes tree, playing in the willow dome and creating pictures using frames and natural materials that we found on the field.

Our story this week is supertato! Click the link to read the story at home. The sun has been shining this week and we have enjoyed using the outdoor area. We are developing some lovely friendships with our FS2 peers. In maths we have been learning about more and fewer. We set up our own vegetable stall and learnt the names of some new vegetables. We opened the ladybird cafe, serving chips, sausage and chicken. Potato printing was a great idea! We ended up exploring colour mixing which got quite messy! We made spiky hedgehogs from potatoes and tees/matchsticks. It was hard work to push them in! At forest school we collected flowers in our special bags, we used them back at nursery to snip in our gardening tray.

Supertato - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for kids

Books Alive! Read aloud the first instalment of the ground breaking, earth shattering superhero franchise - SUPERTATO! By Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet More funny reads here Buy it here Thank you so much for watching my crazy reads please show your support by clicking on the like and subscribe tabs.

Our story this week is Rosie Plants a Radish. We have painted radishes and made them out of dough. We then planted our own radishes!  At our fine motor station we have enjoyed sausage, chips and peas! We have been sorting and counting out vegetables. We even had our own flower stall to keep tidy and in order 1-10. In our messy tray we have been exploring herbs. In maths we have been learning about positional language. At forest school we used magnifying glasses to search for insects. We looked on and under logs and leaves, it was so fun we set up our own woodland tray in nursery to continue our learning!

Our story this week was Jack and the jelly beanstalk. Click on the link to read the story at home. This week the giant moved into our home corner and everything is much bigger. We enjoyed making him a big lunch and dressing up in his clothes. We have been drawing an outline and painting lots of different coloured jelly beans. At forest school, we used the loose parts to make the giant a castle, table and chair. We also pretended to be the giant and went on a treasure hunt to find the things that Jack had stolen.

🍭🍬JACK AND THE JELLY BEAN STALK💖 Books Read Aloud for ALL AGES📚Read with Dixy😁

youtubekids#kidsstorytime#read#storytime#kidsstories#kidsyoutube#kidsvideos#read#britishenglish#storiesforkids#jackandthejellybeanstalk#dixysstorytimeworld Jack sells the family's cow for twenty gold coins but buys magic jelly beans with the money. His mother throws the beans outside, and they grow into an enormous stalk. When Jack meets a Giant who wants him for a snack, Jack finds a clever solution to his GIANT problem!

Our song for this week is five little men in a flying saucer. Click the link to listen to it at home.

Five little men in a flying saucer | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme 'Five little men in a flying saucer'. Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC Teach on Fridays when we have them in: If you found this video helpful, give it a like. Share it with someone.

Our story this week was Jack and the Beanstalk, click the link to watch the story at home. We went to forest school and planted a bee friendly garden. We have been planting our own runner beans and in maths we have been comparing the height and length of different objects.

Jack and the Beanstalk - Debbie and Friends

"Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum," a fun classic tale set to music by Debbie and Friends. Have fun singing and dancing along.

Our final week before Easter and time to celebrate new life and to learn about traditions and celebrations at Easter time. We learned a new song about Hot Cross buns, tasted Hot Cross Buns at Forest school and had an Easter Egg Hunt in Nursery. The children made Easter Nests and cards for home and had a lovely time celebrating together. Happy Easter everyone, have a lovely break and we will see you soon.

Hot Cross Buns | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs

Get the Super Simple App! ► 🎶 Hot cross buns. Hot cross buns. One a penny, two a penny. Hot cross buns.🎶 Just in time for Good Friday and Easter Sunday, here's one of our favorite traditional nursery rhymes about food, made super simple.

We're Going on an Egg Hunt

It's Easter Day! Will the bunnies find all ten eggs? Illustrated by Laura Hughes Easter, Bunny's, rabbit's, wolf. Lift the flaps

We had a special delivery this week 10 eggs and we were very egg tied to see what would hatch out. We watched very carefully and as the week went by we became the proud parents of 10 wonderful chicks, 3 girls and 7 boys. We read a great story about an egg too, click on the link to read it together.

The Odd Egg

The Odd Egg The perfect board book gift for Easter - with a cheeky twist!All the birds have eggs to hatch. All except Duck. When Duck is delighted to find an egg of his own to look after: it's the most beautiful egg in the whole world!

We also learned about the lifecycle of a hen and explored and investigated what else comes out of an egg,

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

This has been our focus text for this half term and we have had lots of fun this week exploring the text in detail and learning more about healthy and unhealthy eating as well as continuing to understand what a life cycle is.

Outside we made healthy lunches with grass noodles and even tried bananas and sweetcorn on the grill at forest school.

This week we have been spending a lot of time outdoors and looking for signs of spring. We have real frogspawn in nursery and have taken some of the tadpoles up to the pond already! We have learned new words frogspawn, tadpole, froglet and frog and learned that lots of different animals grow and change as part of their lifecycles. Take a look at our pictures and read the story to find out more.

The Teeny Weeny Tadpole | Books for Kids Read Aloud

Every creature that the teeny weeny tadpole meets seems to be able to jump, except him. Then he meets the big bad fish, who can't jump - but he can swim very fast, and he eats little tadpoles. What is tadpole going to do? By Sheridan and Jack Tickle

We have been out and about for our learning and have been hunting for signs of spring, we took our clipboards and looked for daffodils, sticky horse chestnut buds, catkins and bluebell shoots.

Back in nursery we had time to explore some flowers and learned that flowers have petals and stems, we used the magnifying glasses to take a closer look.

We also painted daffodils for our special cards. Happy Mothers Day to all and have a lovely weekend 💐

Welcome back after the half term break and take a look at what we have been learning in the ladybirds these last two weeks. We started this half term with a celebration of pancake day and a story to introduce us to some traditional story characters. Click here to read the story together.

Mr Wolf's Pancakes, by Jan Fearnley

This week we read another traditional tale about an and old man an old woman a dog, a cow, a horse and a fox! Can you guess which story it is? 

It’s the Gingerbread Man! Share the story and help your child to join in with the phrase “run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me lm the Gingerbread Man!”

Bedtime Stories | Mr Tumble reads The Gingerbread Man | CBeebies

We baked Gingerbread Men and used them for counting and number recognition. We talked about how to make gingerbread men and had a think about what would happen if he had gone into the river. At forest school Mrs Mellor used the pond to test out our ideas and we found that the Gingerbread Man sank and went soggy in the water. Then we made boats and tested them in our water trays to see if they would float and sink. Here are a few pictures of our busy week.

At home have a go at this lovely counting activity or maybe make some gingerbread men and count out different amounts of currants to decorate them.

Ladybirds have been very busy this week with lots of learning outdoors and extending our learning about our enquiry question what is a family? Click below to read our stories of the week.

Our Class is a Family

Welcome to Storytime with Ms. Michelle! Visit us on Facebook: @MsMichellesStorytime or Instagram: ms.michelle_storytime Title: Our Class is a Family Author: Shannon Olsen Illustrator: Sadie Sonke You can purchase your own copy of this book from Amazon here: Or check out other suggestions for children's books here:'-picks/gfhz/events/?categoryId=teachers-picks&pinnedAsins=1423178289&ref=waldo_cxbg_tpicks&scrollState=eyJpdGVtSW5kZXgiOjAsInNjcm9sbE9mZnNldCI6LTEzLjE3MTg3NX0%253D§ionManagerState=eyJzZWN0aW9uVHlwZUVuZEluZGV4Ijp7ImFtYWJvdCI6MH19&_encoding=UTF8&tag=msmichellesst-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=5637f37b0233bd7c63a2fcc2b735792c&camp=1789&creative=9325 We claim no rights to the books or illustrations.

A Busy Day for Birds read by Ore Oduba

Snuggle up for a story. Watch Ore Oduba's brilliant Bookstart Storytimes reading of Lucy Cousins' A Busy Day for Birds, published by Walker Books. Filmed exclusively for BookTrust to celebrate National Bookstart Week 2018: Bookstart Bird Boogie.

Both of our stories have rhyming patterns to the words and this term we are focusing on finding and saying rhymes, maybe you can find the rhyming words together as you hear them.

The children spent a lot of time at forest school birdwatching and can now identify magpies, crows, pigeons and robins with the help of binoculars that they made.

We now have PE lessons on Mondays with Miss Cleminson in the hall.

Friday was NSPCC number day and we had great fun dressing up as characters from Ten Town! We had lots of number activities including making jam tarts, luckily Thelma Three didn’t try to take them!

it’s been a great week in nursery and we have been very busy learning about family, the number 3 and a little bit of outdoor learning in the freezing cold weather. Let’s start with a beautiful story about a family celebration.

'So Much' by Trish Cooke. Read aloud

'So Much' by Trish Cooke. Read aloud with Sherry. Find out who is coming to visit the baby. A beautiful story for all the family. ⭐ Disclaimer: Text and illustrations are not owned by me. If you liked the story, please support the excellent author by purchasing a copy of the book - check the links below...

Drawing family and making gifts for celebrations

Story books are so important to us and we have used a traditional book to complement our number work and develop our oral storytelling. Can you guess what it is from our pictures?

The weather has been too cold at zero degrees to run our full forest school sessions but we have managed to get out a little to look for birds make nests and find lots of ice to explore.

we have been looking and learning about birds inside this week, exploring them learning how to identify them and making bird feeders, fingers crossed that next week it will be a bit milder and we can use or binoculars and place or feeders at forest school.

A warm welcome back after the Christmas holiday and a Happy New Year to you all. This first week of the term has started with a story about a family of sticks!

We collected and compared sticks, painted our sticks and used them for all sorts of fine motor skills. Here are a few examples.

At Forest school we have been exploring winter wrapping up warm and enjoying a breakfast on the fire grill. Tasty toast which was delicious!

Here is our winter story tray and a story about an animal that lives in a cold winter climate.

A Dot in the Snow, Read by Maureen Lipman

A little polar bear, Miki, wanders away while his mother is diving for fish. He sees a dot in the snow and rushes towards it. Readers discover that the dot is a little girl. But Miki has never seen a human before and the little girl has never seen a polar bear.

Christmas singalong

Still image for this video

What a great singalong today in ladybirds. The children were great, thank you parents for your support.

We have been really busy in Ladybirds this last week and lots of things have already started to change as we move into December and start to think about Christmas. Our first important story was Star in a Jar, we learned the importance of giving and sharing and used stars in our creative work for our calendars and the Christmas fair. We also placed a star on the top of our Christmas tree. 

▷ Star In The Jar - Reading Children's Books #1

The start of December was the focus for learning at forest school and we went for a winter walk , noticed how icy the pond is and used the icy windows to develop our patterns and mark making.

The Christmas festivities have also been celebrated in nursery this week with the retelling of the first Christmas with our nativity set and with our Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch for the children that stay at nursery all day. It is a truly magical time of year and we have been learning songs and finding out so much take a look at our special times together.

5 Little Snowmen Standing in a Row Lyric Video - The Kiboomers Preschool Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Our fantastic story this week was Owl Babies and we have explored retelling the story through pictures puppets and small world. In our forest school learning we made simple lean to shelters and then enhanced them to make them into nests for Sarah Percy and Bill. So much language has been developed this week, ask your child about the words silently, talons and prey. I bet they can tell you all about owls, when they sleep and what they eat!

Owl Babies Picture Book Animation

This week we started to think about getting ready for the Christmas festival and learned about Christingles, we made our own and had a little celebration of the light of Christ.

What a busy week we have had in the Ladybirds! Lots of important events and celebrations and our first one was Diwali, the Hindu festival of Light! Take a look at our pictures and follow the link to the website to find out more!

Tuesday was Anti Bullying Day so we had lots to learn through our Simon sock story about how we celebrate our differences and learn to good friends and then we had lots of sock activities!

Thinking of socks they always come in 2’s and our number this week was number 2. We have been counting out, counting in order, making two and having lots of number hunts around nursery. Take a look at number 2 numberblock by clicking the link. 

@Numberblocks- The Number Two | Learn to Count

As seen on CBeebies! Watch Numberblocks full episodes on BBC iPlayer: Subscribe for more Numberblocks: Learn to count with the number 2! You can add and subtract 1 to make number 2 bigger or smaller! We are the Numberblocks! Little blocks with big ideas, having a ton of number fun.

We finished our week with our annual wear something spotty day and bake sale to raise money for the Children in Need Charity. We did lots of spotty activities and came to school in our spotty outfits. Thankyou to everyone who took part and gave to others this week, little contributions make big differences.

CBeebies StoryTime |Pudsey Bear The lost bandana

Pudsey Bear has lost his bandana! The CBeebies Storytime app is filled with free stories for kids. You can enjoy reading with your child and choose from over 40 books, including fairy tales, nursery rhymes and CBeebies stories. Books are free to download, with no adverts or in-app purchases.

This week was a very busy week in nursery and we linked our learning to rockets and trips to the moon with a story about a bear, click on the link to read the story.

Whatever Next! Stories read aloud

Take a look at our amazing rocket and our mark making on the moon. At forest school we made rockets and talked about astronauts and gravity! Even our maths was space based with a great rhyme for punting backwards 5 little men in a flying saucer!

Welcome back ladybirds and Happy Halloween! This week we turned the clocks back and started off with a Halloween Celebration making lots of pumpkin soup, witches spells and learning a skeleton dance.

We had a great safety talk from our crossing patrol warden Tony! Look at us practicing our stop look and listen and using a safe place to cross! 

Our forest school sessions, well they were very muddy! Lots of finding magic wands broomsticks and the muddiest wettest session we have had yet, it was such fun! 

Our final week of the half term and a lovely story to explore with lots of hands on activities. The Gruffalo was a great hit with the children and we got to describe him and go exploring for him in our very own deep dark wood at forest school. Take a look at our pictures from the week.

Lots of counting drawing baking and enjoying our Gruffalo crumble and owl ice cream!

A song to sing at home and a lovely end to the half term. Enjoy the holidays and we will see you soon!

Happy Grandparents day

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Who’s been eating my porridge? That was the question we investigated this week, can you guess what our story was?

Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Oxbridge Baby

Description: Watch Goldilocks and the Three Bears now.

Yes you are right it’s Goldilocks and the three bears 🐻. Take a look at how we investigated size through making beds for the bears, developed our drawing through doodling forest patterns and making and tasting our own porridge, chocolate porridge. We even used a daddy bear spoon to ladle it into our bowls.

At forest school things are starting to change and we collected the seeds from the sunflowers we planted last year and planted them out using our trowels that we learned to use last week. Hopefully they will grow and maybe some will be food for those little mammals that hibernate over the winter. The wind also gave us the fist falling leaves of autumn and the children enjoyed trying to catch them too.🍁🍂

We also had time to develop our friendships by playing hide and seek and peekaboo.

Last week was all about Ladybirds and this week we compared Ladybirds to Spiders! We had to look very closely at forest school to find their webs but sadly we only found one tree spider. Maybe it was the rain that washed the spiders away. Still we had fun drawing and chalking webs outside, collecting spiders from the cooker tray and of course singing Incey Wincey Spider. Check out the pictures to see how busy we have been!

The Very Busy Spider - Animated Children's Book

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle The Animated Children's Books channel is dedicated to providing quality entertainment for your children by bringing all of your favorite children's books back in a new fashion! Our videos make the perfect bedtime stories for young readers. Thanks for watching, we hope you enjoy!

Week 4 already and the children continue to amaze us with their great manners kind hands and friendly behaviour. This week we have been investigating ……what is a ladybird? We had lots of ideas … a spider…’s got two legs…… it’s red! The only way to find out was to hunt for real ladybirds at forest school so we took our nets and magnifying glasses and set off on an adventure.🐞🔍

In nursery we continued our learning through counting sorting and drawing ladybirds as well as doing lots of speaking and listening.

Click on the link to read a story about ladybirds 🐞 

The Very Lazy Ladybird | Ladybug

The Very Lazy Ladybird or The Very Lazy Ladybug by Isobel Finn & Jack Tickle. Read by The Story Teller. #readaloud #StorytimeAnytime

Time is flying by in nursery and this week we have had two new members to our class. We started off with a fantastic story about choosing a pet called Dear Zoo. 

Justin Fletcher reads Dear Zoo🦒🐘🐍🐅 | CBeebies Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories | Justin Fletcher reads Dear Zoo🦒🐘🐍🐅 | CBeebies 📺Watch CBeebies full episodes on BBC iPlayer ❤️Subscribe to CBeebies YouTube Channel 📚For more CBeebies Bedtime Stories visit - For more CBeebies Bedtime Stories visit - Join Justin Fletcher aka Mr Tumble for tonight's bedtime story classic, Dear Zoo.

We have done lots of learning around writing and mark making to send a letter to the Zoo so that we can have a pet in nursery.

This week in nursery we have been learning about colours and reading bear stories. Click on the link to read our Key text at home.

At forest school we investigated colours, found more frogs and collected conkers! 

Our week ended with a surprise visit from Mr Hewitt who has a part time job at the zoo! He brought us 2 pets to look after in our nursery!

Friday was bun day , thankyou to Charlie’s chickens for the eggs, they made delicious buns for us to share at our carpet time. 🐥🧁🥚

Teachers helpers hand out the buns today

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Song | Kids Songs | Eric Carle Book | Colors | Animals

Check out this song and Mr. Elephant originals at or on Spotify at SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!! Probably the most popular preschool book ever made, here we sing along as we see different animals starting with the Brown Bear. Copyright belongs to Henry Holt and Co.

We have had lots of fun exploring colours through creative activities and finding colours at forest school.🐞🌳

Our first week in Nursery and the children are learning the routines and songs that help us to come together at the carpet. Ask them about tidy up time, sitting on their spots on the carpet and sing these songs together at home.

Phonics Song 2

It's a phonics song with a picture for each letter. This is designed to help children learn the sounds of the letters in the English alphabet. Written and performed by A.J.Jenkins Copyright 2009 A.J.Jenkins/KidsTV123. All rights reserved. This is an ORIGINAL song written in 2009 - any copying is illegal.

Shapes Song 2

A shapes song for children. If this video corrupts, please try the link below. This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123. Copyright 2011 A.J. Jenkins/KidsTV123: All rights reserved This is an ORIGINAL song written in 2011 - any copying is illegal.

Welcome to our Ladybirds learning page. Here you will find stories songs and things to share at home to support your child's learning. Its a sharing page with pictures and words and we will update it weekly to inform you about our weekly stories and activities. Click on the links at the top of the page to find out more about our curriculum and how we learn.
