
Brinsworth Manor Infant School



Friends of Brinsworth Manor Infants

FOBIN is a staff and parent group set up to raise money to benefit the children in school as well as our local community. By holding events and competitions we hope to enrich the fantastic opportunities already provided by the school and raise money at the same time. The funds raised will be shared between projects in school such as helping to fund extra equipment that school budgets can't cover, to provide exciting opportunities for the children, to help us run more events and to support local charities that are important to our school community.

Latest Update:

Unfortunately, COVID has cancelled our most recent fundraising efforts. We were hoping that our Easter Bonnet competition would bring us to our goal of £339. We are so close! We are more determined than ever to continue our fundraising. Not least because our children deserve something special after this year! The Star Bench that we are fundraising for will be a fantastic addition to the playground. Children will be able to sit and have a quiet moment to reflect and talk to their peers, which is just what we need right now. Please keep an eye out for any future updates when we can begin fundraising again.

Valentine's Day Disco

February 2020

Our Valentine's Disco was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who attended. There were some super party clothes, amazing dance moves from the children (and teachers!) and I've never seen food disappear so fast! The disco played all of our favourites along with some games. The highlight was a huge Hokey Cokey and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces. This was our first FOBIN event and after some great feedback were hoping to do similar things again. 
