
Brinsworth Manor Infant School


Literacy learning through our immersive reading text 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett

Meerkat mail by Emily Gravett, read by Mrs M. Dodd

Sunny Meerkat lives in the Kalahari desert with his large family. Under the hot sun, Sunny and his brothers and sisters work together, play together, eat together, learn together, and sleep together. Sunny needs a break! He decides to take a trip to visit some relatives.

Throughout Summer Term, Key Stage 1 will be exploring the text 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett. Sunny lives on an arid plain with his extensive and loving meerkat family; they work together, play together and together do their best to stay away from jackals! But Sunny is starting to feel claustrophobic and decides to set off to stay with his mongoose cousins and explore the outside world.


This story follows Sunny's journey along the days of the week and includes different postcards that Sunny sends home to his family. In Literacy we will be doing some creative writing based on the story. We will also use the animal of a meerkat to begin non-chronological reports all about different animals.


Further into the term, after our visit from some interesting creatures, children will recount which animals visited school and include their opinion about their favourite or most unusual creature.



All about Julia Donaldson on World Book Day!


As the children's love of the author Julia Donaldson grows in Brinsworth Manor Infant School, our supportive parents have made a super effort in celebrating this amazing author!


Check out our photos from World Book Day from across our FS and KS1 classes!

Read Write Inc phonics


We learn new phonics sounds and develop our ability in decoding and reading fluency through the Read Write Inc programme. We also have a dedicated team of 'Fast Track Phonics Tutors' who pinpoint children's next steps and ensure children have additional time to practise how to become a confident reader. We are so happy to see the children learning exactly what they need to in order to make excellent progress in their reading and their writing!


Each day the children have a speed sound lesson and develop their reading skills by working on either their accuracy in decoding words or their fluency in reading. We then make clear links to our Literacy learning by making connections to newly learnt RWI sounds. We do this using individualised learning journeys containing phonics and writing prompts for children to access independently with the aim of developing their confidence in writing.


We teach children to be resilient and to try their best even if they sometimes find learning difficult. This positive attitude to learning helps our children to take pride in their literacy learning and make good progress.
